Boy Scout popcorn sales begin in Salina on Friday.
According to the Coronado Area Council in Salina, since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and, through nearly a century of experience, understands that helping youth puts us on a path toward a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. Scouting helps meet six essential needs of the young people growing up in our society; Mentoring, lifelong learning, faith traditions, serving others, healthy living, and building character.
On Friday Boy Scouts in Salina will start selling popcorn. The profit from the sale helps to subsidize expenses for local units. It can fund a family campout, pay registration fees, uniform expenses, as well as recognition for the youth.
Up to 70% of all sales go directly to the LOCAL BSA. This means, when you buy a bag of popping corn for $10, $7 directly benefits the local program.
There are several low-income boys that sometimes can’t even afford a uniform shirt, not to mention the fees to go to camp. The council provides “camperships” to boys that may not be able to pay. The camperships pay for a portion of the boys’ summer camp registration fees, in order for them to avoid missing out on something that they would probably not ever get the chance to do.
Another huge aspect of the program is the staff and upkeep on facilities. If it were not for the extraordinary people who directly work for each council, the program would not exist. The camps locations do not maintain themselves. In addition to the paid staff, there are an abundance of volunteers. These are parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors who work day in and day out to help the participants strive in their needs.
The funds from the popcorn sale are the biggest advantage that the council and area units have to provide funding to the boys/girls involved in the BSA.
The sale ends October 25, 2013.