A butterfly expert from Kansas State University will be the guest presenter at the Smoky Hills Audubon Society’s monthly gathering later this week.
According to the organization, Monarch butterflies are a conservation icon due to their fascinating migration story. Their populations are in decline and it is more critical than ever to understand, appreciate, and support these remarkable creatures.
In this presentation Jason Graves will explore new research that will help gardeners attract and sustain more monarchs in their butterfly gardens. He will discuss garden design and placement as well as take a closer look at milkweed species and cultivars that best support monarch populations.
Graves studied horticulture at Kansas State University and his degree is in Landscape and Turf Management. He worked in the plant health and landscape management field in Manhattan before joining K-State Research and Extension as Horticulture Extension Agent in the Central Kansas District in Salina. He is an active and curious gardener himself and enjoys helping others reap the wonderful benefits of nature in their lives.
The free event will be Thursday, January 16th, at Kansas Wesleyan University’s Peter’s Science Hall Rm 229. At 7:00 pm you can meet the speaker, and at 7:30 the program starts. Snacks will be provided.