Administrators and instructors around the country are being tasked again with delivering quality education – while navigating through the headwinds of COVID-19.
The summer break has given leaders at Kansas Wesleyan University a chance to plan for the upcoming Fall semester. Kansas Wesleyan University’s Athletic Director Steve Wilson tells KSAL News that safety comes first on campus with classrooms being set up differently to allow students to stay six feet apart. “Our duty to our students is to give them the best experience possible.”
Wilson adds class size at KW is a built in blessing. “Most of our classes are pretty small,” he said.
The university continues to be a launch pad for student athletes to excel in the classroom and on the field, something Wilson hopes is on display this fall on the football and soccer fields.
Wilson says the shifting sands of the pandemic may cause KWU to initiate Plan B or C – but they’ll be ready.