A couple of candidate forums events are scheduled this week. One will focus on abortion and life issues, the other on education issues.
The first forum, hosted by Salinans For Life, is Monday evening from 7 – 8:30 in the Prescott Room at the Salina Public Library. Saline County candidates for the Kansas House, Kansas Senate, and for the First U.S. Congressional District have all been invited to attend. The purpose is to see where candidates stand on life issues, including abortion,
The second event will be hosted by NEA Salina, and is planned for Wednesday evening. It will be from 5-6:00 pm at the South High Commons. The focus of this event will be education issues.
Local candidates for Kansas State Senate, Kansas House of Representatives, and Kansas State School Board have been invited to introduce themselves, and then visit with constituents. KNEA legislative and political advocate Mark Desetti will also be at the event.