Students from Central High School Thespian Troupe 639 recently attended the Kansas Thespian Festival, competed in several categories and earned multiple awards.
According to the school Salina Central Troupe 639 results include:
- Gold Honor Troupe (video submission made by Joshua Warner depicting community service, productions, fundraising efforts, and public outreach during the 2021.)
- Harper Johnston (jr) chosen as a State Thespian Officer for 2023.
- 1st place in Chapter Select One Act- Tracks by Peter Tarsi directed by Lillian Myers (sr) & Josh Warner (sr) (chosen to perform at the International Thespian Festival at University of Indiana Bloomington June 20-24, 2022) Cast: Directors-Lillian Myers (sr)/ Joshua Warner (sr) Harper Johnstons (jr), Charles Goldbach (sr), Joshua Warner (sr), Emma Kelly (sr), Tyler Campbell (sr), Camille Morris (jr), Ethan Henry (sr), Peyton Wood (sr), Chloe Highsmith (sr), Vidhi Bhakta (sr)
- 2nd place Theatre Quiz Bowl (Harper Johnston-junior, Ben Kraft-senior, Jack Angell-junior, Josh Warner-senior)
- Competitive Improv Team made it to Finals – Chloe Highsmith, Charles Goldbach, Emma Kelly, Tyler Campbell, Ethan Henry
- 3rd place Troupe Lobby Display
- Superior Ratings in Individual Events (Thespys) Emma Kelly-Solo Musical Ethan Henry (sr), Tyler Campbell (sr), Chloe Highsmith (jr)-
- Group Acting (also selected as one of 10 individual events to perform at the showcase at festival)
Also competing in Individual Events (Thespys) and receiving an Excellent Rating:
- Solo Musical – Lillian Myers (sr) Peyton Wood (sr) Harper Johnston (jr)
- Duet Musical – Joshua Warner (sr) / Tayge Jones (jr)
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Photos courtesy Salina Central Thespian Troupe