City Advances River Project

Salina City Commissioner this week advanced the Smoky Hill Rive Renewal Project, giving approval to HDR Engineering to prepare final design work.

In July, the City entered into an agreement with the Army Corp of Engineers to help in funding part of the project including:

  • Entrance works
  • Sediment Excavation and Disposal
  • Channel Shaping
  • Western Star Dam Replacement

The cost of this portion of the project will be shared by the corp of engineers, and the City of Salina.

  • $13,705,000 Federal Share
  • $7,610,000 Non-Federal Share (City of Salina cost)
  • $21,315,000 Total

The project in it entirety is $33.8 million. Salina Director of Utilities Martha Tasker described it.


Major elements include:

  • 7 Bridges
  • 2 Pedestrian Under Crossings
  • 3.5 Miles of Bicycle / Pedestrian Trails
  • River Channel Maintenance Facility
  • 5 Boat Ramps
  • Boardwalk Area
  • Levy Outlet

Salina Director of Finance and Administrator Debbie Pack discussed how the city will fund its share of the cost.


Commissioner Dr. Trent Davis said the project, which is the culmination of years of hard work, will benefit everyone.


Tasker says the preliminary design of the bridge is projected to be completed by April of 2026. She also says people will be able to walk in the renewed bridge by November 1st 2030.