For the tenth time in the past couple of years, Salina’s Chief of Police Brad Nelson is invtiting citizens to sit down and have a cup of coffee with a cop.
“It’s a good chance to get with people in a non hostile setting and just talk about whatever they want to talk about,” Chief Nelson said.
“I’m not there with an agenda, I’m there to hear what folks want to talk about.”
Coffee with a Cop will be held Tuesday, August 23 from 8:30am to 10m at the McDondald’s located at 1100 E. Crawford.
Chief Nelson joined in on the KSAL Morning News Monday and told listeners about a second event this week that the public will have a chance to interact with Salina’s Police Department.
On Thusday, August 25, officers will be presenting an overview of the training police go through on Fair and Impartial Policing that has been in place in Salina since 2014.
The aim of the training is to help officers recognize and replace their unconscious biases with bias free behavior. The meeting which will include a Q&A will be held at the Student Activities Center at Kansas Wesleyan University from 3pm to 4pm.