Kansas Congressman Dr. Roger Marshall is among those who are disappointed by the failed effort to repeal and replace the affordable care act.
The effort represented the GOP’s first genuine opportunity to repeal Obama’s statute. But House Speaker Paul Ryan shelved the bill to avert a certain defeat. He faced defections from centrist Republicans who thought the bill went too far and conservatives who considered it too weak, plus solid Democratic opposition.
Marshall, who represents the 1st Congressional District on Kansas, released the following statement:
“I am deeply disappointed in my colleagues who couldn’t look past their personal agendas to put the priorities of the American people first. The skyrocketing cost of Obamacare, and the toll it is taking, is on their hands, no matter the party.
The American people elected this Congress to get things done – not to be obstructionists. Republicans have the House, Senate and White House, and there is no reason to continue acting as the ‘opposition party.’ It is time to lead.
I thank the President, the Speaker, Leader McCarthy, Whip Scalise, Chair McMorris-Rogers and all who worked tirelessly on this legislation. Throughout this process, they were perfectly professional. Never once did they say anything personal against any person or their beliefs. They’ve done an incredible job of keeping us together.
Rural health care in Kansas has unique issues that we will continue to put under the spotlight. I stand ready, as I always have been, to work to improve our broken healthcare system.”
Ryan says he believes Obama’s law will continue “for the foreseeable future.” President Donald Trump says he would be willing to reopen negotiations for a health care bill if the Affordable Care Act fails.