Court says KU Hospital on hook for injured hip

The Kansas Supreme Court says University of Kansas Hospital will have to pick up the $140,000 tab for treating a man who broke his hip after jumping out of a jailhouse window.

Alberto Contreras Gonzalez was arrested in March 2006 on drug-related charges but entered a diversion agreement with Wabaunsee County before being transferred to Shawnee County for outstanding warrants.

The Lawrence Journal-World reports Contreras bonded out of Shawnee County jail and returned to Wabaunsee County jail to retrieve some personal belongings. He was placed in a fourth-story room while a deputy checked on his status, and after Contreras couldn’t get the door open he broke a window and jumped.

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled Wabaunsee County wasn’t liable for his hospital bill, since Contreras wasn’t in custody.