Coyotes split day two of San Antonio ShinDig Touranment

9/1/2024 | Women’s Volleyball | Box Score 1 | Box Score 2
SAN ANTONIO, Tex.- The Kansas Wesleyan Women’s Volleyball continued their San Antonio tournament play Saturday afternoon against Rocky Mountain College (Mont.) followed by another match against Our Lady of the Lake University (Tex.) spitting the day 1-1.

The Coyotes started their Saturday off hot versus the Rocky Mountain College Battlin’ Bears opening the day with a 3-0 sweep. (25-19, 25-23, 26-24). Kansas Wesleyan would then face Our Lady of the Lake University Saints in another close match that would leave the Coyotes swept by the Saints 3-0. (16-25, 20-25, 22-25).

Against Rocky Mountain, it was an intense fast paced match, where the Coyotes found themselves on top at the end of 3 quick sets. KWU started the first set of this match up 3-0 capped by an ace by Kate Bebout. KWU would maintain this small lead until RMC responded with a pair kills, an attack error from the Coyotes and then an ace by Madeline Gilder to tie it at 10-10. After trading runs of a handful of points KWU would force a RMC timeout after a kill by Rylee Serpan to stretch the lead to 23-16. The Coyotes would only give up one more point before winning the first set 25-17.

The second set was a story of runs as the Battlin’ Bears and Coyotes continued to clash. Kylee Harris of KWU helped her squad as she had a string of kills set by Josie Deckinger. RMC would call a time out after a -pair of these kills with a KWU lead at 12-9. KWU continued to pile on and make the score 20-13 until RMC would go on a run led by Mekenna Bushman set by Blythe Sealey. This 9-point run got the Battlin’ Bears back in the fight and brought them the lead over the Coyotes at 20-22. KWU did not call timeout and did not flinch as they stopped the run with a kill by Serpan and would find two more points courtesy of Kate Bebout and Kylee Harris to end the set at 25-23 Coyotes up.

Set number three would live to the hype of set one and two as it was also a back and forth battle. KWU continued to receive reliable sets by Josie Deckinger to give the Coyotes a 2-0 lead with Serpan kill and a Kylee Harris kill. A long battle would find the two teams tied at 23-23 after a Coyote attack error that forced a timeout by Coach Biegert. The Coyotes kept their cool and kept getting reliable sets by Josie Deckinger to stay alive and sweep for the third set at a close 26-24 finish to take the match 3-0. (25-19, 25-23, 26-24)

After a short break the Coyotes would have to regroup and get back on the court verses the host team Our Lady of the Lake University in a eerily similar match up to RMC, Kansas Wesleyan would unfortunately fall to a closely fought match where OLLU found themselves on top of a 3-0 sweep. (16-25, 20-25, 22-25)

To start the first set OLLU Saints jumped in front of the Coyotes with a 3-0 run capped by a Mia Francis kill. The Saints would maintain at arm’s length lead as the Coyotes tried to close the gap with a few back a fourth moments. KWU would be forced to call timeout after a Coyotes attack error found them trailing OLLU 9-15. The Saints continued to hold a comfortable lead as the first set ended at 16-25 OLLU on top.

After swapping sides for set two Coyotes scored the first point but would find themselves in a similar situation to set one after a kill by Mia Francis and a Coyotes attack error would leave KWU down 2-5 to the Saints. OLLU would keep this distance on the Coyotes all the way through the set. KWU called a timeout after another attack error would leave them down 17-23. Saints would not flinch and finished the second set with on top of the Coyotes at 20-25.

The third set would be a close battle where the Coyotes found themselves on the wrong side. KWU did not shy away this set as they forced a early timeout by OLLU after a sting of kills by Gianna Adriaanse and Rylee Serpan coupled by a Saints attack error put the Coyotes on top at 5-2. The Saints then put together a four point run followed by both teams trading point for point all the way till both squads had 20 a piece would force a KWU timeout. OLLU would compete the sweep after defeating KWU 22-25 in the third set of a hard fought match.

The Coyotes will return to Salina on Friday (Sep. 6th) to host the Coyote Classic in Mabee Arena at 7:00PM where they will face Xavier University of Louisiana (La.).