Creativity Counts At Salina Pin And Ink Showcase

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina is issuing a creative challenge. The organization is hosting its 4th Annual Pin and Ink Showcase.

Local artists of all ages and skill levels are invited to display their talent at this free, family-friendly gallery exhibit.

A limited number of bowling pins have been donated by All Star Lanes for artists to turn into their own unique pieces of art. The pins are currently available for pick-up at the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina Salina office, Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

The Pin and Ink Showcase event will include live music, appetizers, drinks, and a silent auction featuring more than 200 unique pieces of bowling pin art. All proceeds will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina.

The Pin and Ink Showcase is Thursday, February 27th, from 6-8pm at the Stiefel Theatre Watson Room. For more information visit