In addition to the many steps and actions that Dickinson County Staff have taken as precautions to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, effective Wednesday March 18th, the Dickinson County Courthouse will initiate Senior Preference Hours.
Between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 am each morning we ask that anyone under 60 years of age in healthy condition refrain from coming to the courthouse to do their business until after 10:00 each morning. They then can come between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm as normal.
For those persons 60 years of age or older, or anyone of any age that may have a compromised immune or respiratory system, they may come to the courthouse between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 am each day to conduct their business. By allowing these persons this consideration they will be entering the facility following the deep cleaning and sanitizing each night and we can minimize their exposure to the remaining public while doing their business.
Citizens are certainly encouraged to use the mail service for taxes and tag renewals if possible, however for those citizens that are at high risk who do not want to enter the courthouse, they may wait in their vehicle and telephone the County Treasurer’s office at 785-263-3231, and the staff will come out to you to help you.
These efforts are being initiated to help protect that portion of our population who are at a higher risk of contracting this virus. Their safety and wellbeing remains’ our primary concern. Hours for District Court and the court dockets and schedules will remain the same and shall not be affected by these changes.