Special disaster food distributions are planned in a dozen area communities this week.
The state of Kansas has initiated a disaster food distribution for families experiencing food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is directed toward those who have lost their jobs, or otherwise are impacted.
The following items will be distributed:
- Canned Beef Stew
- Canned Peaches
- Canned Kidney Beans
- Whole Frozen Chicken
- Dried Egg Mix
- Frozen Pork Patties
- Long Grain Rice
- Dry Split Peas
- Raisins
- Brown Rice
- Dry milk
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Peanut Butter
April 21:
- Ellsworth County Medical Center Admin Building 2 PM
- Lincoln Senior Center
April 22:
- Salina, 4-H Building 10AM to noon Saline County Residents
- United Church of Bennington 5-6 PM
- Minneapolis VFW 4-4:45 PM
- Delphos Presbyterian, Church 4th and Main 4:30 PM
- Ada Senior Center
- Belleville Fairground Commercial Building 8-11 AM
- Abilene Area Food and Clothing Center
- Concordia First United Methodist Church
- Jamestown 703 Spruce St 3 PM
April 23:
- Glen Elder Senior Center 3:30-4:30 PM
- Jewell/Randall delivery only. Call 785-428-3657 to schedule. Leave name, address, number in household and contact phone number.