E-Waste Recycling Event Saturday

The City of Salina will be hosting its 10th annual E-Waste Recycling Event on Saturday.

E-waste refers to old electronic equipment that is ready to be discarded , but this event offers the opportunity to recycle even more. Once again they will be accepting almost anything that has a cord or uses a battery.

The city’s partner for this event is Midwest Recycling Center, of Imperial MO. MRC is an R2 certified recycler which means they must maintain the highest standards of safety, security and responsibility for both themselves and their downstream processors. These items will not end up in a landfill.

Last year’s event brought in nearly 400 vehicles and 36 tons of waste.

The E-Waste recycling event in Salina will be this Saturday, May 5th, from 9am till 1pm at the East Crawford Recreation Area.