Early Childhood Community Input Sought

Leaders from across the state’s early childhood system will be in Salina collecting feedback as part of a series of Community Engagement Sessions being held across Kansas. Sessions are being held now through the end of July. The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, the Kansas Department for Children and Families, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Kansas State Department of Education, and early childhood partners are seeking information from Kansans to develop a statewide strategic plan for early childhood.

Perspectives shared at these sessions will help inform the state’s understanding of what programs exist, what is working well, where we have challenges, and how we can work together to make sure each Kansas child has the best possible start in life. These sessions are open to the public. Parents (of children of all ages), community leaders, health providers, early childhood stakeholders, members of the business community, elected officials, and other interested parties are all invited and encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.

“Governor Kelly has articulated her vision for universal access to high-quality early learning opportunities for all Kansas children, creating a climate where we can all consider ourselves early childhood stakeholders,” said Melissa Rooker, executive director of the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund. “By inviting communities to come together to share information about their strengths, challenges, dreams and opportunities, we will be able to develop a strategic plan that is inclusive, thoughtful and based on Kansas priorities,” she added.

The session in Salina is scheduled for June 12th at the Hilton Garden Inn. Two sessions are planned, one from 2:30 till 3:30 and one from 5:30 till 6:30.

For more information on these Community Engagement Sessions, including times, locations, and marketing materials, please visit kschildrenscabinet.org/events-calendar/.