The Salina Community Economic Development Organization and the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Entrepreneur Summit next week.
The event is the first step in a planning process to determine what current assets exist in the community to support starting new businesses, what gaps exist in the entrepreneurial environment, and how those gaps can be filled to ensure that Saline County has as many tools in place as possible to support new businesses.
Many conversations have been occurring in small pockets within thie community. This event will pull all these conversations into one room to avoid duplication of efforts, siloed initiatives, and to ensure all resources being directed toward improving the Saline County business environment are coordinated moving forward. Conversation about business support services, entrepreneurship education, community fabrication labs, co-working spaces, and how our strengths (such as expertise and leadership in unmanned aircraft systems) can be built upon to attract new businesses.
The Entrepreneur Summit will be held next week on Tuesday, at 5:30 in the evening in the Chamber of Commerce Annex Building 120 W. Ash Street.