Bands who want to be considered to perform in what’s billed as “the biggest showcase in the USA”, in front of a crowd in excess of 12,000 people at the official opening event of the Smoky Hill River Festival, can begin to apply.
If your band, three-piece more, is interested in performing at this event contact SM Hanson Music . You will receive instructions on the selection process.
Typically requests from bands located across the Midwest, including in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma, are received. They have room for 16+1 bands in one evening – Thursday June 12th.
SM Hanson can only consider the bands/music that submit a request for consideration – so if you want to play, or you know a band who should be considered – contact the music store.
Eventually, the committee selects 16 bands for the SM Hanson Festival Jam lineup. Each band will play for 12 minutes, generally three songs. Stage hands then have three minutes to change bands.
The Festival Jam is the official opening event of the Smoky Hill River Festival, this year on Thursday, June 12th. Music will begin at 5:45.