Salinans will have a chance to take a flight back in time this weekend, powered by three Pratt & Whitney motors.
“They do make a bit of a racket, especially during takeoff,” pilot Steve Lambrick said.
“Once we get up to altitude and pull the power back it’s still loud but none of its intolerable.”
Lambrick and the vintage 1928 Ford Tri-Motor are in town through Sunday as part of the Experimental Aircraft Association’s event to celebrate aviation.
Outside the aircraft, windows gleam and the corrugated aluminum skin shines across the 50-foot frame and 77-foot wingspan.
While inside passengers find luxury from the past with a wood panel cabin and padded seats.
“I tell people after they get in the airplane and buckle up – its welcome aboard our time machine because we’re basically going to take them back to 1928 for a little bit and experience air travel as it was in the twenties,” Lambrick said.
Lambrick tells KSAL News the EAA’s mission is to share the joy of aviation with Salina this weekend.
Those interested can come out and touch the aircraft, take pictures or purchase a ticket for a ride.
Adults are $75, children: $50. Each flight experience is approximately 30-minutes, with about 15-minutes in the air.
Flights are available Thursday from 2pm -6pm. Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm.