The topic of “Forced Freedom” will be discussed at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene.
The next Lunch & Learn program is Thursday, Sept. 27 at noon in the Eisenhower Presidential Library Visitors Center Auditorium, 200 SE 4th, Abilene. Free and open to the public, a light lunch is provided courtesy of the Eisenhower Foundation on a first come, first serve basis.
Elizabeth Wenger will discuss post-war recovery issues after victory in Europe during WWII. The Allies in Germany faced the challenge of how to end the spread of Nazi propaganda without restricting freedom of speech as Germany returned to democracy. This program will look at America’s creative responses to the problem and how they shaped the post-war period in ways still evident today.
Wenger received her PhD from UC Berkeley in 2015 and has taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago and at Berkeley. In addition to her volunteer role at the Eisenhower Presidential Library she is teaching American history at Friends University in Wichita. Wenger is currently working on a project related to post-WWII censorship in Poland and East Germany.