A former Salina student is one of eight recipients of a student award from Kansas State University.
Eight new graduates of Kansas State University’s College of Education are receiving awards from the college for excellence, potential or promise.
The awards include the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award for excellence in leadership and scholarship; the Outstanding Future Teacher Award is presented to one new elementary education graduate and one new secondary education graduate for their potential as future teachers; and two students earned the Kansas State Department of Education Teacher of Promise Award.
Trey Cullins, secondary education-English, Salina, Kansas State Department of Education Teacher of Promise. A K-State semester honors list student, Cullins received the Kansas Board of Regents Teacher Service Scholarship and the Benjamin L. Hopper Outstanding Service Scholarship. A College of Education EDCATS squad leader, he is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education, and Delta Sigma Pi fraternity, where he earned its Academic Achievement Award. He also served as a library assistant at the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine. The son of Larry and Deanne Cullins, he is a 2016 graduate of Salina Central High School.