Fritz and Littich Named King, Queen

Tri-Rivers Fair, King and Queen were crowned Wednesday night to kick-off the rodeo at the stadium. The 2021 King is Lane Fritz while this year’s Tri-Rivers Queen is Emma Littich.

Lane Fritz is the son of Chris and Jenn Fritz. Lane will be a sophomore at Southeast of Saline High School. Lane is a very active member of the Gypsum Valley 4-H Club, where he is currently the President. His favorite projects in 4-H include Shooting Sports and Swine. Lane is also highly involved in the Southeast of Saline FFA program. Lane’s favorite hobby is participating in trap shooting.

Emma Littich is the daughter of Henry and Kate Littich and sister to Eddie. She is a 10-year member of the Smoky View 4-H Club and is looking forward to being a Senior this fall at Smoky Valley High School. Emma enjoys participating in many activities such as drama club, orchestra, band, choir dance team, Pep Club, and FCA, but her favorite is 4-H. Her favorite project this year is Leadership.

Rodeo – Thursday, August 5th, 2021
8:00 p.m.

Gates open at 6:30 p.m.

Stock Contractor-JC Rodeo Co., Jimmy Crowther
CPRA approved rodeo
$750 added money per event


Advanced $6
Gate $7

Children (6-12)
Advanced $3
Gate $4

Photo courtesy Tri-Rivers Fair Board