Goal: All Students Back in Classrooms

Next week teachers and staff will return to their respective school buildings in Salina for training on how to deliver education amid COVID-19 protocols.

USD 305 Superintendent Linn Exline joined in on the KSAL Morning News Friday with a preview.


The school year begins with students in two groups, attending class on campus two days a week, switching and learning off-site for the remainder of the week.

Before students enter the building on August 31, they’ll have temperature checks, wear masks and then head to assigned seating to start the first day of the district’s hybrid model.

The mix of on-site and off-site learning gives USD 305 flexibility to expand the plan either way as health conditions warrant – a model Exline is hoping shifts back to having students in class five days a week.


Teachers report Wednesday, August 12, students begin the 2020 -2021 academic year on Monday, August 31.

Detailed information is available on the Connect2Learn website.