Governor Issues Executive Pardon

Governor Sam Brownback on Tuesday issued an executive pardon to Mark Schmitt, a native of Liberal, Kan., currently residing in Parker Colo.

At the same time, Gov. Brownback denied 72 other requests for executive clemency. The pardon granted is the first and only pardon signed to date by Governor Brownback.

Mark Schmitt was convicted of felony theft in 1994, stemming from a false insurance claim amounting to $1,551.64. At the time, Schmitt was a 19-year-old college student, living in Ottawa, Kan. After his conviction, he completed a sentence involving probation and restitution, and has maintained a record of good conduct in the 23 years since. Franklin County District Court previously expunged his conviction and his pardon request was favorably recommended by the Prisoner Review Board.

“This request for clemency was unanimously supported at all levels of the process. He has demonstrated he is a man of character, having already paid his debt to society, having had his criminal record expunged, and having worked through the process of requesting a pardon, and proving the worthiness of his request at every step.”

Schmitt first sought a pardon under the Parkinson administration, but his application was lost, and he reapplied under the administration of Governor Brownback.


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