Hit and Run Driver Arrested

A prank turns into a trip to jail for an 18-year-old driver from Salina.

Police Captain Jim Feldman tells KSAL News that officers arrested 18-year-old Diego Guzman on Saturday night after a fourteen-year-old pedestrian was hit by his car.

The investigation began at Salina Regional Health Center as officers interviewed the boy who was struck by a car in the 100 block of North Front Street around 11pm . The boy told police he and his cousin were out walking in the 100 block of Santa Fe when a red car began to follow them. The driver tracked them to North Front Street, revved the engine and struck the boy – causing minor scrapes and bruises.

The boys gave police a description of the car and the letter ‘B’ off the license plate, it was enough to find Guzman who reportedly stopped after the incident and told the victim he was sorry before driving away.

Police say he mistook the boy for someone else and was trying to play a prank. He’s now facing a possible charge of aggravated battery.