Nathan Shaffir was a little boy growing up on a dairy farm in Romania when the Holocaust came to his door in 1942.
His family’s cattle were confiscated and they were sent to live in a Jewish neighborhood under the watchful eye of the Fascist Iron Guard.
Thursday evening, Nathan will walk off the pages of history and onto the stage at Sams Chapel to tell his story of survival.
“His story is as much or more a story of Jewish persecution under Nazi collaborators,” said Dr. Mike Russell, Associated Professor of History at Kansas Wesleyan University.
Russell explains that Shaffir was the victim of Nazism, “He was persecuted by Romanian and Hungarian Nazi’s as opposed to the actual Germans themselves,” Russell said.
Shaffir’s presentation Thursday night is part of KWU’s 11th annual Holocaust Remembrance and Genocide Awareness Week and will be held in Sams Chapel in Pioneer Hall from 7pm to 8pm.
A meet and greet will follow in the Hauptli Student Center at 8:30pm.]