Hot Rod Bikes at Ledsled

Not every hot rod has a motor humming under the hood.

Just ask Perry Grico from North Platte, Nebraska who brought a truckload of vintage bicycles to his first KKOA Ledsled Spectaular in Salina. “I brought down some old Schwinn bicycles going back to the 1930’s and 40’s,” he said.

“They’re beautiful bikes with beautiful lines – you go back and look at the wagons and even the toasters from that era, all built to last.”

Grico says he found the 1948 Schwinn B6 bike with a sidecar hanging up in a barn in Lodgepole, Nebraska and took it home and cleaned it up. It sold quickly in the opening hours of the showcase event in Oakdale Park.

Two more full-days of events at the 44th annual KKOA Ledsled Spectacular in Salina.

A “One Night With Elvis” concert is planned for Saturday night. It will feature Trent Smith, portraying a young Elvis, and his band. The concert will be at 8:00 in the theatre at the Temple in Downtown Salina.

The 2024 Leadsled Spectacular continues today in Oakdale Park through Sunday beginning at 9:00 each day.