Hungry to Help at Salina Art Center

It’s easy to imagine a steaming bowl of soup inside the bright ceramic works on display at the Salina Art Center.

But instead of a delicious meal, the 12 Empty Bowls display is drawing attention to hunger, food insecurity and some sobering statistics in our region.

According to the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank, approximately 18.7% of children under age 18 in Saline County live in a food insecure household – while only 9% of eligible households in the county participate in SNAP Benefits.

Marketing Coordinator at the Salina Art Center, Hannah Crickman says visitors can go online or visit the Art Center to help make a difference by purchasing a bowl.

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During the display, the Art Center welcomes Karen Couch from the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank to share 12 stories to help everyone better understand hunger in our community. Visitors are asked to donate nonperishable food items to be donated to the food bank. The ceramic bowls created by talented artists are now available through this online auction with all proceeds going to the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank.


More information is available at

Salina Art Center, 242 S. Santa Fe is open Wed – Sun. from 11-5. Guests are welcome to make an appointment outside of public hours if they are more comfortable. To schedule, call 785-827-1431. Admission is always free.