Impact The Cure Saturday In Abilene

An event in Abilene this weekend is dedicated to the fight against breast cancer.

Orgnaizers say that Impact the Cure is an annual Breast Cancer Awareness 5K Run and 2-Mile Fun Walk in downtown Abilene that will take place on Saturday, September 28, at Impact Sports and Fitness, 418 N. Broadway, Abilene. Proceeds from Impact the Cure provide free screening mammograms and mammography services to uninsured in Dickinson County.

Impact the Cure pre-registration is $20 and can be completed online at or at Impact Sports and Fitness. Pre-registration includes an Impact the Cure long sleeve T-shirt. Registration the day of the event is $25 and begins at 7 a.m. A T-shirt is not guaranteed for day-of registrations. Those who are unable to participate but would like to support the cause may pre-register to donate $20 and receive a T-shirt.

Impact the Cure offers a full schedule of activities. The day will begin with a survival recognition ceremony at 7:45 a.m., where cancer survivors will be recognized as a group followed by the 5K run and 2-mile walk at 8 a.m.

An awards ceremony will follow the completion of the run and walk. Overall male and female 5K winners in addition to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place 5K finishers in each age group will receive an award. All 5K finishers age 13 and under will receive a participation award. The 2 Mile Fun Walk is noncompetitive so no awards will be given. All Impact the Cure participants will be entered into a drawing for prizes.

Following the run and walk, everyone is invited to enjoy pancakes expertly flipped by Chris Cakes. The free breakfast is sponsored by Eagle Communications. Vendor booths will also be available with “Pink for Purchase!” items, breast cancer-related items and other pink merchandise.

The event will occur rain or shine so get ready to flood the streets of downtown Abilene with pink!

For more information, contact Impact Sports and Fitness at 785-263-3888 or go online at “Like” Memorial Health System on Facebook for Impact the Cure updates at

Information from: Michelle Krueger / Memorial Health System