Kansas State University officials announce that the school has canceled spring break week for the 2021 spring semester.
In a letter from the K-State Provost and Executive Vice President, Chuck Taber, the school has adjusted its 2021 spring calendar on Friday.
The reason the school has cut out its spring break is in an effort to try and minimize travel of the student body for all campuses.
Here’s an excerpt from Taber’s letter to students:
“Earlier this week, an adjusted spring 2021 calendar as presented by the university calendar committee was approved by Faculty Senate. The adjusted calendar is now available online.
The spring 2021 academic calendar begins one week later on Jan. 25 and ends with previously scheduled commencement exercises on May 14-15. The altered spring schedule eliminates spring break. Other key dates in the spring schedule include final examinations on May 10-14.
Changes to the academic calendar are never taken lightly. We are making these adjustments to the spring 2021 academic calendar to reduce risks related to the global pandemic by minimizing mass travel to and from our K-State campuses during the spring semester. We recognize that the elimination of spring break presents a hardship for our students, faculty and staff.
In the coming weeks, I will be working with the Student Governing Association to identify two separate days to designate as well-being days when classes would not meet. These days will give students and faculty a brief respite from instruction to permit them to focus on their preparation and check their understanding of materials. Campuses will remain open and students will be expected to remain on campus. However, no classes — undergraduate, graduate, professional — will be in session.”