Kansas Could Revert Back to Phase 2 of Reopening

If the trend in Kansas of COVID-19 new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continues Governor Laura Kelly says she will recommend reversing the state back to Phase 2 of the Ad Astra re-opening plan, meaning among other things there would be no mass gatherings over 15 people and bars and night clubs would have to close.

At a media conference Monday afternoon, the governor said the numbers in Kansas are at an all time high. There are 26,172 cases from 103 counties with 335 deaths reported. There are currently 1,644 hospitalizations.

The Governor said  the state has had 325 outbreaks (131 active), accounting for 7,448 associated cases and 235 associated deaths.

Governor Laura Kelly said that the average age of the new cases, and hospitalizations, is decreasing.  The average age of COVID-19 cases is 37.

“If we continue with this trajectory, I will have no other choice than to recommend we move back to Phase 2 of reopening,” Kelly said.

Kelly indicated that unless things change she would recommend taking a step back to Phase 2 next week.

Some of the details of Phase 2 include:

  • Mass gatherings of more than 15 individuals are not recommended.
  • Individuals are encouraged to wear cloth masks in public settings as appropriate.
  • When in public (e.g., parks, outdoor recreation areas, shopping areas), individuals (not including individuals who reside together) should maintain 6 feet of distance from others with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.
  • Avoid socializing in person with groups of more than 15 individuals in both indoor and outdoor settings, especially in circumstances that do not allow for a physical distance of 6 feet or more between individuals or groups with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity. (e.g., receptions, trade shows).
  • Minimize nonessential travel and follow KDHE travel and quarantine guidelines for travel to high-risk areas. Essential travel includes travel for urgent and necessary family, medical, and businessrelated needs as determined by the individual or business.
  • Telework is strongly encouraged for all business employees when possible.