Kansas GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Square Off in Salina

Candidates for Kansas Governor on the Republican ticket stormed in to Salina on Saturday morning in what was the final debate before the primary election.

Hundreds of well-wishers, supporters and citizens watched; wearing clothing with slogans, pins and stickers of their favorite candidate as four of the men up for the GOP nomination for Kansas Governor spread their message at the Salina Innovation Center, in downtown. The event was hosted by the First Congressional District in conjunction with the Republican State meeting held the same day.

On stage included: Governor Jeff Colyer M.D., Secretary of State Kris Kobach, Insurance Commissioner Ken Selzer and Patrick “PK” Kucera for the third and final debate between GOP foes.

KSAL’s own, Clarke Sanders MC’d the event.

The economy was the topic most heavily discussed as the majority of the debate was spent talking about things like government spending, taxes, budget issues and jobs in struggling Kansas communities. However, the candidates did veer and discuss other topics like abortion, over regulation, illegal immigration and water issues with the Ogallala Aquifer.

Also discussed was educational funding in the state of Kansas, where all four candidates discussed their thoughts on how schools should be funded.

Governor Colyer talked about his plan for education among other things.


Governor Colyer and Secretary of State Kobach appeared to have the two largest followings at the debate and both would pass barbs back-and-forth on abortion, school funding, taxes and illegal immigration topics.

Secretary of State Kobach stated his case to the voters of Kansas.


All four candidates did praise the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and expressed their eagerness to work with the Trump administration.

Also included in the morning of events was candidates from across the state meeting in the lobby of the Innovation Center. Of those involved included other candidates for governor and candidates for secretary of state.

The candidates now turn their attention to the Kansas Primary Election that will be held on Tuesday, August 7.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.