Kansas Highway Patrol Looking For New Recruits

The Kansas Highway Patrol is hiring a new class of recruit troopers, who will begin their careers with the Patrol this coming January. This will be the 53rd KHP recruit class, and marks the Patrol’s effort to increase manpower on the highways in Kansas, as well as provide assistance to some local agencies who rely on the Patrol’s partnership.

Applications are being accepted now through Friday, June 21, 2013. Applicants will go through an extensive hiring process, which will include a written examination, physical agility test, polygraph exam, background investigation, interview, physical examination, and psychiatric test. Upon successful completion of these steps, final offers of employment will be made. The recruits will report to the Training Academy in Salina on January 8, 2014 to begin 22 weeks of training.

With retirements, promotions, and short-staffing in many areas of the state, these new troopers will come at a welcome time. The Patrol prides itself in the assistance we offer to local agencies. Hiring additional troopers will not only enhance our ability to assist other agencies, but provide much needed law enforcement coverage throughout the state that Kansas residents and travelers through our state have come to rely on.


TO APPLY for KHP Class #53: Please promptly submit a tax clearance certificate by accessing the Dept. of Revenue website http://www.ksrevenue.org/taxclearance.html, along with an Employment Application at www.jobs.ks.gov. This application site can also be accessed from the www.kansashighwaypatrol.org website: click on Career Opportunities, Current Openings, Apply Online. If you mail hard copy application and tax clearance materials, they must be post marked no later than June 21, 2013 and addressed to: Janice Kelly, c/o KHP Recruiting, 122 SW 7th Street, Topeka, KS 66603. ADA/EOE/VPE.

If you have further questions on the hiring process or what the trooper position entails, please contact the Kansas Highway Patrol at (785) 296-6800.