Kansas Producers – Soil Health Survey

Social science researchers at Kansas State University are collecting information about what soil health practices and information sources are important to Kansas farmers and ranchers (practices like no-till, cover crops, rotational grazing, and others).

This survey is intended for Kansas farmers, ranchers, agricultural landowners, or any Kansan who manages or operates agricultural land. We want to hear from you regardless of your current use of soil health practices.

The purpose of this research is to improve communication, outreach, and priorities around soil health in Kansas. The survey may be easier to take on a computer, but you can complete it either on a computer or mobile device.

Survey link: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2fvsMip24oWKLBA?sourceorg=3

Kansas Producers – Soil Health Survey

  • This online multi-choice survey might take 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • The survey consists of 18 multiple-choice soil health questions and 10 demographic/farm characteristics questions.
  • Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
  • All survey responses are collected and stored anonymously.
  • You have the option to choose not to respond to any question, although all responses are greatly valued.

You must copy the survey link and paste it into your browser to open and take the survey.

Please contact the primary investigator, Dr. Katie Burke, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 785-532-5804, if you have any questions about the research.