KANSASWORKS Statewide Virtual Job Fair Opens

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly announced the fourth KANSASWORKS Statewide Virtual Job Fair has begun, and will continue through Thursday, August 27.

The virtual fair will allow job seekers to easily live chat with employers from across the state through computers and mobile devices. KANSASWORKS has organized four virtual job fairs so far in 2020, with three additional virtual fairs planned later this year.

Click here to register for the Virtual Job Fair.

“My administration remains committed to providing safe employment opportunities across the state,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The KANSASWORKS team has developed a creative, intuitive way for businesses and job seekers to find each other. I encourage all job seekers in our state to visit this and future Virtual Job Fairs to find opportunities in their area.”

The Department of Commerce moved its statewide job fairs online this year to eliminate public health risks associated with mass gatherings, and as a way to continue to provide job opportunities and maintain a ready workforce for Kansas businesses.

“Getting our state back to business is our top priority at Commerce,” Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “Our economy is recovering, and there are job opportunities in numerous sectors across Kansas. KANSASWORKS virtual job fairs have provided results to Kansas residents and businesses alike. If you are seeking employment in Kansas, the Virtual Job Fair is the place for you.”

The third virtual fair in July was a great success, with participation from 189 employers and 1,182 job seekers from across the state.

As concerns for the health and safety of Kansans remain high due to COVID-19, the Department of Commerce will maintain the Virtual Job Fair system for the remainder of 2020. Future statewide events are scheduled for:  

  • September 22-24
  • October 27-29
  • December 8-9

 As these dates get closer, updates will be provided with employer and job-seeker registration links for each individual virtual fair.