KSU Denounces White Nationalist Poster Found on Campus

Posters promoting white nationalism were plastered on  the campus of Kansas State University on Wednesday, and have prompted a response from the school.

The school released the following statement:

“The messages posted on Wednesday, Sept. 13, do not reflect the values of Kansas State University.

Kansas State University maintains campus publicity and official bulletin board rules, which can be found in the university’s policies and procedures manual, chapters 8570 and 3045. K-State does not regulate posters based on viewpoint, in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The university does have restrictions on where and when materials can be posted, without consideration of content. No notices or posters may be placed in places other than on designated bulletin boards in campus buildings without the approval of the Division of Facilities, 109 Dykstra Hall. The university will continue to follow its policies and comply with the law.”

Last spring K-State found several racist messages on campus, including a noose hanging in a tree.


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