Legislative Ag Issues For 2024

January 8th will mark the first day of the 2024 Kansas legislative session.

Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association staff consider it a privilege to represent the voice of sorghum growers, whether in Topeka or Washington, D.C. To find out what dates the Kansas House and Senate are in session, visit the Kansas Legislature website here.

According to the organization, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Congressman Tracey Mann (R-KS), along with other members of Congress, have teamed up to voice their concerns surrounding countervailing duties (CVD) on phosphate fertilizers in a letter to U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) Chairman David Johanson. The legislators expressed the need for the voices of farmers and agricultural retailers to be heard by ITC, and that fertilizer affects more than just the economy, but also national security, defense, and food security. To read the letter and to find out more information, click here.

Sen. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) has now announced that the House Ag Committee aims to finalize the Farm Bill in March by harnessing crucial funding items in early 2024. Currently, there are three possible scenarios that could play out. Read more here.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Congressman Austin Scott (R-GA), has proposed the idea of splitting the Farm Bill into two sectors: farm policy and nutrition policy, with the latter taking up over 80 percent of the Farm Bill. Congressman Scott has also recognized the need for increased reference prices and securing the farm safety net. You can tune into a recording of Congressman Scott’s AgriPulse Newsmakers interview to learn more here.

The reduction to the 2% state sales tax on qualifying items goes into effect on January 1, 2024.