Listen to Fight Fear, COVID-19

A wise man once noted people have one mouth and two ears – so we should naturally listen twice as much as we speak.

Glenn Stovall with Wellspring Psychotherapy in Salina makes a habit of listening to children and parents to find a path to healing relationships in the home.

Stovall, who is a clinical social worker joined in on the KSAL Morning News Extra on Wednesday with encouragement and insights for families who are under stay at home orders and experiencing anxiousness about the COVID-19 virus.

“Kids are going to act out more because they feel stress from their parents,” Stovall said.


Stovall said he believes the healing process for the country post COVID-19 won’t be a quick fix on many fronts.



When stay at home orders end sometime in the near future, Stovall encourages parents to keep listening to learn more about what their children are feeling and going through.