Live Well Saline County Awarded $100,000

The Live Well Saline County Coalition is among organizations in 18 other communities receiving funding from one of the largest health insurers in Kansas.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas is awarding funding for its third phase of the Pathways to a Healthy Kansas (Pathways) initiative. The insurance company  will be partnering with these community coalitions to improve healthy eating, active living, commercial tobacco prevention and mental health.

According to the organization, the Tammy Walker Cancer Center was selected as the fiscal agent for the two-year Pathways to a Healthy Kansas $100,000 grant and Daniel Craig, Cancer Outreach Coordinator at Tammy Walker Cancer Center, who served as the lead grant writer will be the project manager.

Since the Pathways initiative began in 2016, BCBSKS has facilitated 748 grants/projects in communities throughout Kansas, including Live Well Saline County in Saline County. The Pathways program was created to inspire long-lasting, community-wide health and well-being in communities across Kansas.

“We’ve seen the commitment from Live Well Saline County and know they are ready to continue the work to improve the health and well-being of the communities they serve,” said Matt All, President/CEO of BCBSKS. “For more than 80 years, we have been dedicated to helping not only our members, but all Kansans live better, healthier lives. Through our Pathways initiative, we are helping remove barriers to accessing healthy foods, increasing physical activity, preventing commercial tobacco use and improving mental health. We are thrilled to continue this program with our new and returning Pathways grantees and can’t wait to see the difference they make in their communities.”

Each Pathways community will receive coordination assistance from BCBSKS to get started and, in addition, organizations within Saline County will have the opportunity to apply for non-competitive implementation grants to fund projects that will help reach the Live Well Saline County goals for the initiative.

During the previous four-year Pathways to a Healthy Kansas grant (2020- 2024) Saline County invested $245,288 in noncompetitive implementation grant dollars through three grant projects to increase accessibility and safety for the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank.

The Placemaking grant was utilized to develop a site plan and install four solar lights. The Trail Infrastructure grant was utilized to support construction of a sidewalk between the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank, the Broadway business corridor and South Street neighborhood, including links to OCCK bus stops. The Safe Routes to Food grant was utilized to expand the parking lot by adding 12 additional parking stalls and six bike racks.

A community celebration event was held in January to celebrate the completion of these three projects.

“The Pathways initiative has provided our community with the tools and resources needed to take our work to the next level,” said Daniel Craig. “Through a Chronic Disease Risk Reduction grant from the Kansas Department of Health & Environment the Live Well Saline County Coalition was able to go through a strategic planning process which has enabled us to increase our focus areas to include mental health, engage new members, and expand our ability to bring grant dollars into Saline County. We are looking forward to partnering with other organizations on these two grant initiatives to help make Saline County a healthier place for all.”

The Pathways initiative combines community-wide, evidence-based solutions and practices to help Kansas communities improve active living, healthy eating, behavioral health and commercial tobacco prevention and is structured around five pathways that require collaboration across a community. These pathways include economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, neighborhoods and built environment, and social and community context.

To learn more about Pathways, visit

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About Live Well Saline County
Live Well Saline County began in 2009 when a group of community members led by Del Myers
and Daniel Craig came together to identify ways to partner to address chronic disease
prevention in Saline County. Live Well Saline County has active participants from a variety of
organizations with a common interest in healthy living. The four focus areas of Live Well Saline
County are healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, and tobacco prevention/cessation.
For more information, visit