“Love, Kansas” Campaign to Commence

Salina has been selected to be part of a statewide effort to boost Kansas’ population by inviting past residents to return home to live and work. Members of the public in Salina and Saline County are invited to participate in the local “Love, Kansas” launch party on Wednesday, July 31st from 4:30-6pm at the Visit Salina Annex, 120 W. Ash.

According to the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, the ‘Love, Kansas’ campaign is a talent attraction initiative of the Kansas Department of Commerce, and Salina is among 18 other communities throughout the state picked to participate. The campaign aims to boost Kansas’ population by inviting past residents to return home to live and work.

The launch party will be a grassroots effort to allow current residents to physically send invitations to family and friends who lived in Salina at some point but are now living out-of-state. Notecards with stamped envelopes will be provided. Residents are encouraged to stop by and write as many invitations as they’d like.

Refreshments will be served and those who participate can enter to win a special prize drawing that includes Smoky Hill Silver gift certificates and a Love Salina t-shirt.

“This is really intended to be a true letter-writing campaign,” Renee Duxler, president and CEO of the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce said, “We all know how special a hand-written note is in this day and age and it just might be that personal and heartfelt invitation that causes someone to re-consider Salina.”

The pilot project for Salina is being led by business and community partners including the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, as well as the City of Salina, Saline County, the Salina Community Economic Development Organization, the Salina Airport Authority, Salina Downtown, Kansas State University Salina, Kansas Wesleyan University, USD 305, Great Plains Manufacturing, Salina Regional Healthcare Center, and Vortex Global.