Man Kicks Door Down Steals iPhone

A woman’s iPhone was stolen by a man after he broke into her house.

Salina Police Captain James Feldman tells KSAL News, August 31st a 3rd party reported to police their family member told them their house was broken into on 1900 Hageman Ave. A 39-year old woman was spending time with a male friend at her house. An argument occurred and the man left as she shut the door behind him.

A few minutes later, the man kicked the door down and took the woman’s iPhone that was on a kitchen counter. The phone is valued at $1,000.

The next day, officers made a traffic stop on Albert and Ohio and arrested 45-year old Andrew Guebara.

Guebara is facing charges of:

  • Aggravated burglary
  • Theft
  • Criminal damage to property