Potential is everywhere, your help is needed to defend it.
Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Salina is out recruiting community members to serve as mentors to local youth.
According to the organization, with a waitlist exceeding 80 children, there is a need for additional volunteers, especially male volunteers to serve as Big Brothers.
For the whole month of July, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina is working to get the story out: children in Salina are facing adversity and your help is needed to make a difference. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina isn’t looking for saviors, but rather, allies and friends.
“Friendship is an invaluable gift,” said Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina’s CEO Hayley Samford. “Being a mentor and friend to a young person is a simple, impactful way to better our community and make a lifelong difference in a person’s story.”
Children in Saline County have waited thousands of hours to be matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister, and one way to ensure they have someone to inspire them to reach their potential is for more adults to volunteer to become Bigs. Being a Big means committing to spending a few hours a month with a young person doing things that you love to do, like playing basketball, visiting the library, or learning how to cook.
You can get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina by applying to be a Big or donating at our website, bbbssalina.org. For additional questions, contact 785-825-5509 or [email protected].
On social media, you can get involved by following Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter. Throughout the month, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina is encouraging followers to share our posts to help connect with potential volunteers.