The Rebecca A. Morrison House will join homes that help and heal across North America in commemorating National Hospitality House Week this week July 18-24 as proclaimed by the Healthcare Hospitality Network,
According to Salina Regional Health Center, Morrison House activities planned for National Hospitality House Week include house tours, morning coffee and donuts, afternoon root beer floats, a community service project by the KU-Salina Medical Students and an information table display at the hospital.
The Rebecca A. Morrison House is located at 513 S. Eighth Street, in Salina, adjacent to the Salina Regional Health Center’s Emergency Room entrance.
According to Lisa Hoffman, Morrison House manager, the purpose of the week is to recognize the mission
and commitment of volunteers, individual donors, corporate supporters, sponsors and healthcare partners that
make it possible to serve 960 families and patients each year.
A recent guests wrote: “This house has been a source of comfort and calm during a very stressful period.
We are so very grateful and impressed with this resource. Everyone is very nice and I think what this place does
for people is awesome.”
The Rebecca A. Morrison House at Salina Regional Health Center has provided lodging for families and
patients since opening in 1993. The guests travel from all over the country to be with a family member who is
seeking medical care at Salina Regional Health Center or its facilities including the Tammy Walker Cancer Center.
Members of the community are invited to learn more about the house and find ways to be involved in the
mission by vising its website at, or its Facebook page