A series of events led to two different crashes involving one motorcycle and a Salina man in the hospital.
Saline County Sheriff Roger Soldan tells KSAL News that deputies were sent to the interchange of Interstate-70 and Interstate-135 at 4:35 a.m. Wednesday.
Reports from the Kansas Highway Patrol say that a 1990 Honda 750 motorcycle was traveling northbound on I-135. The motorcycle attempted to exit on to I-70 when it encountered a semi truck.
There was no collision between the two, however, for an unknown reason, the motorcycle left the roadway and slid across I-70.
The driver of the motorcycle, Louis Swartz, 35, Salina, came off of the bike prior to it traveling on to I-70. He was not wearing a helmet, however, suffered a minor injury in the crash.
The motorcycle continued on to I-70 without a driver and was then struck by a rental van.
The rental van had five occupants all from OH and none are injured. The van has damage to the front side of the vehicle, while the motorcycle has damage to the side.
Swartz was sent by EMS to Salina Regional Health Center.