Saline County Sheriff Roger Soldan is warning area residents that mating season has deer on the run and crossing the roadways.
Sheriff Soldan tells KSAL News that deputies have worked seven deer related motor vehicle accidents in just the past four days.
On Tuesday morning deer strikes caused accidents near the intersections of Magnolia and Simpson, K-4 and Old 81, and Crawford and Holmes Road.
Wednesday morning a deer struck a vehicle at I-70 and Halstead, the next day three more deer related accidents occurred on Thursday morning in the area of Donmyer and Mariposa, Water Well and Link and K-4 and Cunningham around 7:15pm.
Sheriff Soldan says drivers should stay alert to their surroundings at all times and should not attempt to swerve to miss the animals on the road.
No one was injured in any of the deer related accidents.
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