New College Stop Added to 81 Connection

The bus service that provides transportation between Salina and Belleville is adding a stop near a northern Kansas college. 81 Connection, the fixed route bus service from Belleville to Salina, will have a new stop added that will serve Cloud County Community College, starting on Wednesday of this week.

The new stop will be located along College Drive in Concordia, near the exit of the Cloud County Community College parking lot.  The new stop will provide easy access to the campus for students, faculty and visitors.

The 81 Connection bus service has three bi-directional trips each day, Monday through Friday.  The first route starts in Belleville at 6:45 a.m., then heads south on Highway 81 to four stops in Concordia, a stop at the Highway 24/Highway 81 junction, a stop in Minneapolis and stop at 7th and Walnut and Walmart in Salina and then heads back north to the same stops.  This route does this loop twice and finishes in Belleville around 5:40 p.m. each day.

A second route leaves Salina at 1:00 p.m. and heads north on Highway 81 to the same stop in Minneapolis, the stop at the Highway 24/Highway 81 junction, four stops in Concordia and the stop in Belleville, before heading back to Salina with the same stops.  The bus finishes in Salina around 6:00 p.m. each day.


81 Connection New Stop