New Young Stockmen’s Academy Class Announced

Twenty individuals from across Kansas have been named to the 2025 KLA Young Stockmen’s Academy (YSA). The class will spend the next year learning more about KLA and traveling throughout the state, touring various segments of the beef and dairy industries.

The program, sponsored by Merck Animal Health, will expose YSA members to the importance of KLA’s voice in the legislative process; producers’ responsibility as agricultural advocates; the need for progressive livestock operations; and how other industry segments, including animal health suppliers and agribusinesses, fit into the food supply chain. The group’s first meeting will be February 18-19 in Topeka.

Members of the 2025 YSA class include Paige Adams, Hutchinson; Kyler Berning, Leoti; Walker Clawson, Englewood; Jenna Fitzsimmons, Cunningham; Jenna Goetzmann, Manhattan; Hayden Guetterman, Paola; Luke Higgason, Larned; Jenna Hlavaty, Cimarron; Hunter Hope, Jetmore; Jordan Koons, Buffalo, OK; Elizabeth Lutz, Nickerson; Camryn Ricker, Bucklin; Jamie Schaake, Garden City; Luke Schneider, Saint John; Madelyn Stackley, El Dorado; Caleb Volkman, Hugoton; Daniel Walsh, Manhattan; Clayton Wharton, Syracuse; Cassandra Wolff, Caldwell; and Wyatt Woods, Cimarron.