Burglary At Downtown Salina Busines...
4 years ago
A window is broken out of a downtown Salina business that also allowed someone to damage a vintage truck that was parked inside. Salina Police Capt. Paul Forrester says that the burglary took place between 10 p.m. on Friday and 9:30 a.m. Saturday from Calvin's Customs, 325 N. Santa Fe Ave. It appears that the perpetrator gained ...
A window is broken out of a downtown Salina business that also allowed someone to damage a vintage truck that was parked inside. Salina Police Capt. Paul Forrester says that the burglary took place between 10 p.m. on Friday and 9:30 a.m. Saturday from Calvin's Customs, 325 N. Santa Fe Ave. It appears that the perpetrator gained ...