Electrical systems, including emergency exit lighting
Man and equipment doors
Exhaust system
These items require correction to bring the building in compliance with an inspection conducted earlier by the Fire Marshall.
Additional Road and Bridge Issues
A gas leak was detected last Wednesday at R&B, and the gas was subsequently shut off. Commissioners approved action to fix the leak and move the gas meter.
Commissioners studied a bridge project on Water Well Road as well as a possible $1,844,000 expenditure for hot mix, patching, leveling, surface course and profile milling for area roads. They will vote on these measures next week.
Commissioners discussed citizen concerns, specifically about Water Well Road, especially in light of recent rains. R&B crews are addressing the issues and are using a pneumatic (pounding) roller.
County Counselor Mike Montoya briefed the Commission on a settlement offer involving an accident caused by a cement truck. Montoya presented a draft agreement with land owners related to the right-of-way vacation proposed near Coronado Heights; the McPherson County Commission also would have to approve the agreement. Montoya is following up on permanent resolution to the railroad crossing on Country Club Road, near Scoular elevator.
Appraiser’s Update
Appraiser Sean Robertson said that 374 informal hearings have been held to appeal property values; as a result of those hearings, 68% of those properties had values change. Roberston said that “on every property, and for every year, the Appraisers office has evidence and analysis” for determining a property’s value, adding “we put together information showing why on every property”. From 2015 to 2016, Robertson said property values overall increased by 4½%. He noted that not-for-profits continue to take properties off the tax rolls at a “steady” rate.
During Open Forum, citizen Ray Hruska commented that business entrepreneurs will be non-existent because of increased property values. Hruska voiced concerns that businesses may “go elsewhere”.
Additionally, Commissioners:
- Met with Planning and Zoning Director David Neal to discuss planning commission board appointments.
- Heard results from a salary survey, in executive session.
- Approved a Special Traffic Enforcement Program with the Sheriff’s Office, to conduct saturation patrols on Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and Labor Day to encourage responsible alcohol consumption among drivers and the proper use of seatbelts.
- Approved the purchase of eight Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses, sixteen cylinders and eight masks for Rural Fire Department #3 for $55,028 from Municipal Emergency Services. In separate action, the Commission approved financing through US Bank. RFD#3 Trustees had asked that a local bank be permitted to do the financing, but the Board elected to accept the lowest overall rate.
- Heard reports from Emergency Preparedness Director Hannah Stambaugh, Human Resource Director Marilyn Leamer, and Juvenile Statistics from Carnell Egana, Transportation Corporal at the Sheriff’s Office.
Commissioners Jim Gile and Dave Smith were absent.