Saline County Commissioners plan no changes in the current mask mandate.
The county commission received a bi-weekly update on the mask ordinance Tuesday.
Health Department Chief Financial Officer Loralee Tibbetts provided the bi-weekly review of the COVID-19 situation and review of the mask mandate for Jason Tiller. In the last two weeks, an additional 141 cases have been reported, bringing the total of positive cases that Saline County has had to 987. Out of the total number of cases, 856 have recovered and there have been two additional deaths in the past two weeks. KDHE has released guidance for Halloween activities. Currently, there are no restrictions on Halloween but everyone is encouraged to continue to be safe and to use safe practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19. That guidance can be found by this link:—92320. The County Resolution on the mask mandate is in effect until it is rescinded by the Commission.
Phillip Smith-Hanes, County Administrator, provided a review of the County budget performance for the first nine months of 2020. Overall, revenue performance has been incredibly strong. Nearly all tax receipts are on track to meet or exceed budgeted amounts. Expenditures are slightly behind last year’s pace. The only department that is on track to exceed their budget is Elections, which is attributed to the costs that needed to occur to properly adapt to voting during the pandemic. Overall, the County is doing well financially.
Smith-Hanes also provided his weekly update reporting on the status of the expenditures of the Coronavirus Relief Funds. With being one-third of the way through the period to spend the funds, roughly 30% of the funds have been expended. He noted the $2.7 million that was awarded to the Chamber of Commerce Foundation, only $522,500 has been expended. For-profit businesses are encouraged to apply with the Chamber Foundation. These businesses do not need to be Chamber members and are for any business in Saline County Smith-Hanes also reported an update on the Public Building Commission which met for their first meeting on October 13th. They elected their officers and then issued the notice of intent to issue bonds. This notice is required to be published twice. After the notice has been published, a second meeting will be called.
In other business:
- Commissioners accepted a $91,461 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for Community Corrections. This grant will be used to cover the salary and benefits of one Drug Court Intensive Supervision Officer as well as for substance addiction and mental health crisis intervention services.
- Commissioners also accepted a $2,500 grant that will cover expenses for indigent care under the Saline County Health Department’s tuberculosis program.
- Commissioners approved several purchases today for County projects that were submitted through the direct aid plan for expenditures of the coronavirus relieve funds.
- Five new digital recording systems for the five District courtrooms for a total of $27,235. Purchase of a 2021 Ford Explorer for $28,675.30 for the Department of Senior Services to provide delivery of commodities, meals on wheels, and other necessitates to seniors.
Implementation of a web-based platform for Environmental Health for $10,000. This platform will be used for all service requests, inspections, and other services that are performed by the department in their four County service area. - An amendment to Resolution 20-2308 was passed. This amendment appointed two additional citizens to the Public Building Commission. Doug Alt was appointed by Commissioner Shadwick and Bruce Wyatt was appointed by Commissioner White.
- Andrew Pellant provided a quarterly update to the Commissioners on the Pre-Trial Program. For the months of July thru September 56 clients were placed on Pre-Trial Services. As of the end of September, 126 clients were actively being monitored through this program, 14 are in custody, 254 clients have had their charges dismissed or have been sentenced, and a total of 140 have had their Pre-Trial bond revoked.
As we transition back to regular operations but maintain social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please be advised that there is limited public seating for County Commission
meetings, and citizens are required to follow the City of Salina’s mask ordinance. County Commission meetings can be viewed on Access TV, either via Cox Cable Channel 20 or online at