Students at Salina Central and Salina South high schools will work on mobile devices to collaborate and create.
After school begins in August, every student at the high schools will receive a Chromebook, a key step to further integrate technology into the learning process.
The Chromebooks and web-based programs will be used at school every day. After connecting to the Internet, students will work in Google Apps for Education using applications that connect to online materials, assignments, storage, websites and other learning opportunities. Students will be able to use the Chromebooks at school and at home.
Parents and guardians will not need to buy a Chromebook for their students; the devices will be provided to all students grades 9-12. However, the textbook rental fee is now $100 (sliding scale still applies).
Before online enrollment opens July 15, parents will receive a letter and informational brochure about Chromebooks in the mail. Meetings are scheduled during July for parents and guardians to learn more and see Chromebook demonstrations. Parents may attend a meeting at either high school, regardless of where their student attends.
• July 15, South High School: 9AM, 2PM or 7PM
• July 17, Central High School: 9AM, 2PM or 7PM
The district has a page on both high school websites dedicated to the 1-to-1 Initiative. A student Chromebook loan agreement, Chromebook handbook, frequently asked questions and policies are posted.